Data & publication reporting

Resources for investigators

Refer to the following guidance when publishing and sharing scholarly work.

Agency-specific information

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Publications: PubMed Central

  • All NIH-funded investigators must submit to PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication.
  • Institutions and investigators are responsible for ensuring that any publishing or copyright agreements concerning submitted articles fully comply with this policy.
  • The final, peer-reviewed manuscript includes all graphics and supplemental materials associated with the article.

Data: DataMed


U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Publications: PubAg

  • Applies to peer-reviewed manuscripts accepted for publication in a journal and that arise from USDA funds.

Data: Ag Data Commons (ADC)

  • ADC provides access to a wide variety of open data relevant to agricultural research, including datasets, databases, software, and multimedia, as well as the documentation explaining these data products. These data can be re-used free of charge.
  • ADC records link to scholarly publications in Pub Ag when it is useful and relevant to do so.


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Publications: E-Link

  • Part of T&Cs; listed explicitly in the award, e.g., “Electronic Submission Process. The Journal Article-Accepted Manuscript must be announced via the DOE E-Link… provide relevant journal info… a persistent link to the repository location… If a persistent link is not available or if the website has access restrictions (preventing public access)… Recipient must upload the full-text of the accepted manuscript… in one integrated PDF file that contains all text, tables, diagrams,” etc.
  • Public Access Gateway for Energy and Science (PAGESBeta): PAGES is a portal and search interface to ensure long-term preservation of and access to scholarly publications resulting from DOE-funded research. PAGES will provide the public with access to the “best available version” of peer-reviewed articles.
  • Guidance for DOE-funded authors.


  • Data Management Plans (DMPs). Additional requirements for the DMP may be identified by the sponsoring office, program, sub-program, or in the solicitation.


National Science Foundation (NSF)

Publications: E-Link
Requires that either the version of record or the final accepted manuscript in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and papers in juried conference proceedings or transactions must be:

  • Deposited in the NSF public access repository hosted by DOE;
  • Available for download, reading and analysis free of charge no later than 12 months after initial publication;
  • Possessing a minimum set of machine-readable metadata elements in a metadata record to be made available free of charge upon initial publication;
    Managed to ensure long-term preservation; and
  • Reported in annual and final reports during the period of the award with a persistent identifier that provides links to the full text of the publication as well as other metadata elements.



U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

Still implementing an information-reporting program. A memo dated January 31, 2017 (pdf) emphasizes requirements for sharing results of research and engineering activities.


U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID recipients must submit Intellectual Work, whether published or not, to the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC).  For purposes of submissions to the DEC, Intellectual Work includes all works that document the implementation, evaluation, and results of international development assistance activities developed or acquired under an award.

Structured datasets created or obtained with USAID funding are to be submitted to the Development Data Library (DDL) in machine-readable, non-proprietary formats.


Publication and data sharing resources

WSU Libraries Research Exchange

Research Exchange is an open-access digital repository where WSU faculty, students, and affiliates can archive educational and research materials including articles, datasets, learning objects, multimedia, and more. Repository services are available at no cost.

  • Content is indexed by search engines like Google and Google Scholar, ensuring visibility for your research as well as compliance with funder public access policies.
  • Content can be found via linking services in SHARE and PubMed—again increasing the visibility of your materials.
  • Assistance is available to help with copyright assessment, upload, and maintenance of materials.
  • Frequently asked questions

Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States (CHORUS)

CHORUS helps academic institutions and researchers meet requirements for open access to publications resulting from federally funded research. It serves as an information bridge between agency search portals and publishers’ existing infrastructure.

How to initiate CHORUS’ services
Authors have to identify their funding sources when submitting a paper for publication with a participating publisher. This tags the article with the Crossref Open Funder Registry service, triggering free public access of the best available version immediately on publication or after a designated embargo period.

How CHORUS helps researchers

  • Minimizes time and effort required for researchers to comply with funder requirements, since these tasks are built into the submission process.
  • Optimizes discovery via common search engines.
  • Enables access to researchers’ article reporting on publicly funded research.
  • Directs search results to the best available version of the article (provides readers with context, tools, and correction/retraction information).
  • Guarantees long-term availability and preservation of research articles.

CHORUS intends to use Scholix and other similar systems to link Digital Object Identifier (DOI) records to discovered datasets.


The Scholix framework collects and exchanges information about links between scholarly publications and datasets. It helps researchers to understand “what data underpins literature and what literature references data.”


This intiative aims to make research “widely accessible, discoverable, and reusable.” It fortifies and builds connections among metadata that describe research activities and outputs—such as data management plans, grant proposals, preprints, presentations, journal articles, and data repository deposits.
SHARE is led by the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Open Science, with the support of the Association of American Universities and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.


Other resources

Office of Science and Technology Policy
White House blog
CENDI (Federal scientific and technical information managers group)

CENDI posts information on Federal Agency plans and guidance for implementation of Public Access as it is released to the public by agencies.

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)

Resource “for tracking, comparing and understanding both current and future U.S. federal funder requirements for sharing research articles and research data.” SPARC offers guidance onimplementation, exclusions, timelines, data management planning, and more.

Other university websites